We need to stop overtaxing the working class, end the surveillance state, reverse our sagging economy and return to being a major exporter of our goods and services.
We need to use our financial capital, labor and vast natural resources more effectively. First, lets focus on our cities and metropolitan areas. Invest in transportation infrastructure and create meaningful housing (ex. Mitchel-Llama) so people can live in the areas of their employment.
Create more well paying jobs to improve our quality of life and the ability to spend on more than just bills. Let’s also get away from the college degree industry by creating more career paths not requiring or insisting of degrees.
Establish more apprenticeships and trade programs in our high schools to get our kids on the step to career upon graduation.
Advocate for a 0% state tax rate for individuals under 25, and parents under 30 encouraging financial relief and economic growth among the youth and young families.
Propose an increase in the State and Local Tax (SALT) deduction cap to provide relief for taxpayers facing higher state and local tax burdens.
Advocate for the elimination of property taxes for persons 70 years and older aiming to provide financial relief for New Yorkers who are now seniors in retirement.
Propose the implementation of private-public partnerships to address the shortage of housing for families.
Advocate for a tax reform initiative aimed at reducing the tax burden on small businesses and lowering taxes for households in the lower and middle-income brackets.
Propose the implementation of federal small business loans with a 5% interest rate, specifically tailored to qualified individuals that have low and medium-income(s).